Your website is a crucial component of your business that will help you reach out to people who don’t know much about your company and turn them into customers. Since it could play a vital role in growing your business it’s really important to make your website easy to use for all your customers.
Here are some important things you should keep in mind while creating your website.
No matter where a visitor lands on your website he/she should see the same navigation features. If you have a navigation menu that’s running down the left side of your main home page, that same menu should be there for all of your other pages.
If you make a website that does not show up on the first page in Google, it’s almost like it doesn’t even exist. However, Search Engine Optimization plays an important role in attracting your customers. But make sure it is optimized for two or three keywords on your site.
Every website should include a contact page. If you don’t want to provide your contact number you can use an online contact form that will allow users to e-mail you. Although, it is highly recommended to provide your telephone number.
Make sure that your website allows your visitors to share it on social media like FaceBook and Twitter with just a click of a button. This will promote your business provided that your customers are happy with your services.
Make it easy for your customers to subscribe to news letters or sign up for an RSS(Rich Site Summary) feed so that they can be aware of your new products and services.